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Anton Lazarov Lazarov


from 2015 - to date


functional fitness

conditioning training

boxing , corrective gymnastics / rehabilitation


Born: 1992

Education - Academy of Economics "Dimitar A. Tsenov" - Bachelor

Residence - Sofia

Professional experience - since 2015 - till this date

Education - Professional College of Sports - BIOFIT

- KFOR - Fitness instructor and conditioning coach - level IV

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Expertise - functional fitness, strength and conditioning, boxing, corrective gymnastics / rehabilitation.

1. Why should I choose you as my personal trainer?

  • Most coaches rely on general information from the internet to train with their clients. I rely on information borrowed from books and textbooks, which has been pre-checked and tested by me personally. I work with each client individually, without using the principle of work "piece by piece"

  • Most coaches prefer to "put" you on a certain machine and then sit and rummage on their phone while you wonder  yourself how and why the exercise itself is performed. With me, the training sessions are conducted under strict supervision and every problem, difficulty or mistake is commented and corrected at the moment.


  • Most coaches do not maintain constant contact with their clients. For them, there is a fixed time frame in which they only look to pass the working hours in order to collect their fees. I maintain constant contact, compare, comment and, if necessary, adjust the loads, the training plan and nutrition.


  • Most coaches rely on quick profits and promise results on unrealistic terms. On the other hand, I charge a symbolical price, guide each client through the process of getting to know the necessary movements and exercises and give a preliminary realistic assessment of what can be expected in 3 months, in 6 months, in a year, etc.

  • I take in account the capabilities of each of you. Most coaches see their clients as professional athletes. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that if you are preparing for a competition, but if you have a person with a carrier, a family and household problems, the situation is completely different. I am extremely aware that not everyone I work with is at his best every single time, when he enters the gym. For this reason, I am flexible to each workout so that the trainee can feel both well at the end of the workout, but also get the most out of the training session.


2. What workouts do you do?


I conduct personal training in functional fitness, strength and conditioning, boxing and corrective gymnastics/ rehabilitation.


3. When can I expect results? How long will it take to achieve my goals?


I can answer this question right after seeing you in person and getting to know your level and condition, because for each of you the answer will be different based on: weight, health, physical activity, set goals and etc.


4. Does my age matter ?


I have worked with clients aged from 8 to 65. For me, age does not matter. It is important to have the desire and perseverance. That is what matters the most.


I do not make it a mandatory condition, but anyone who decides to get in shape should be aware that a change in diet can only benefit and speed up the process itself. Will there be a result without changing the diet? Yes, there will be, but it will be much faster, easier and more successful if we prepare a nutrition plan together along with the training regime.

5. Do I need to limit my food rations? Can I get results without changing my eating habits?

No. In any case, the first weeks are more educational and informative. Which means; the client gets acquainted with the movements and exercises, and the coach with the client's abilities. My concept has always been to give the trainee, the opportunity to recover until the next workout, while also having the opportunity to physically perform routine tasks. The change in training load and intensity is done gradually.


6. My physical condition is really bad.

Will this be a problem for me?

I have worked with people with hernias, insulin resistance, flat feet, hormonal issues, etc. I do not discriminate against anyone and I am willing to help as long as there is a desire on the part of the other party. Of course, the disease can be of such a nature that it slows down the work process, but not stops it.


7. I have certain health problems!Can we work in such a case together?


8. How often should I attend your classes?


It depends on you. It depends on your free time, financial capabilities and of course – the expected results. My requirement is that it should be at least 2 times a week so that there can be a gradation in the work process itself.

The gym where I operate is completely at my disposal and I have the opportunity to provide you with sessions when there are no other customers.


9. I've always been shy about working out in public. Can we practice alone?

* Contact number - 089 354 64 71
** personal trainings are conducted only by pre-booking by calling the indicated telephone number
*** Diet and training regime are included FREE of charge for the service.
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